Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Thinking about Billy again today

I pretty much think about William Eggleston every time I go home to Knoxville for the summer and try to take photos. I came across this introduction to his series, Ancient and Modern and thought I would repost:

"Eggleston was born and raised in the South. He has lived all his life between Mississippi and Memphis. His reputation is built on the small portion of his work that has been published or exhibited over the last fifteen years. Much of that work would suggest that he could be described as a Southern artist, an identity he is anxious to avoid. The South is the central axis of his life, the sense of locality is a vital component of his work, but it is not defined by a Southern domain. He travels frequently and explores a wider world. If one were to construct a portrait of him, he would be sitting on a porch polishing a gun or fingering a Leica - and he is explicit on the association between the two - or else he would be behind the wheel of a car, though driving seems to have little to do with transportation and much more to do with the rhythm and pattern of his observation. He is an explorer and a resident of the South."

Ricardo Cases' Pigeons

I saw a posting for Ricardo Cases' project Paloma Al Aire on Jorg Coleberg's blog, these images are definitely worth checking out, as are his other works!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Harrison Haynes LRLL RLRR, 2011

The process of creating and consuming art often gravitates towards neatly defined roles for those making work and their audience. Each decision and action, directly made by the artist, is intended for a work that lives on in a presumed immortal stasis. How does this contract change when the role of the audience is altered? Would the audience still enjoy their passive role after they are activated to join in the production process?
 How does a work change when it relies on the performance of an ever-changing cast? Non-static in nature, each work presented in this feature by Roland Tiangco,Clement Valla, Harrison Haynes, and Caleb Larsen relies upon a state that exists between inception and fulfillment. Methods and intentions differ but the realization of each piece requires the release of work into a space no longer controlled by its creator.